
Link Building

I have repeatedly mentioned in this blog that link building is an essential element of blogging. Building more links to your blog does not only lead to a high Google page rank but can also drive more traffic to your blog. For the same reasons, I have been posting link building tips and created lists of dofollows to make your link building convenient.
DOFOLLOW BLOGS - Build more links to your blog by leaving quality comments (not spam) in these dofollow blogs and get quality backlinks. Spamming these blogs will not do you any good.
DOFOLLOW BOOKMARKING SITES - These bookmarking sites are dofollow, which means, by bookmarking your posts using these sites, you will get an inbound link instantly. Choose to display these bookmarking site's button at the bottom of your posts to encourage your readers to bookmark them.
DOFOLLOW SOCIAL MEDIA - If you don't have an account in these dofollow social media, create your profiles now. From your profile, link back to your blog. This is an easy way to get quality a quality backlink.
DOFOLLOW TOP COMMENTATORS - This is a list of blogs that use the top commentator plugin set to dofollow. By becoming a top commentator in these blogs, you'll get quality backlinks. Most of these blogs display the top commentators as a site wide link (link is shown to all the subpages of the blog).
FREE DIRECTORIES WITH HIGH GOOGLE PAGE RANK - If you want to ask me if submitting to directories is a waste of time, certainly NO! Provided of course, that you submit to directories with good quality. Here are some examples of free quality directories. Submit your blog to these Free directories with high Google page rank and get quality backlinks to your blog.
25 LINK BUILDING STRATEGIES - If you are looking for good tips to build more backlinks to your blog, then you might want to check out these 25 link building strategies that will help you build more quality backlinks to your blog.
LINK OPTIMIZATION TIPS - Links that you build are useless or less beneficial if you don't optimize them. Yes, you can do 5 things to optimize the links you build to your blog and make the most out of it.
SEDUCE OTHER BLOGGERS TO LINK TO YOUR BLOG - Isn't if great to just seduce other bloggers into linking to your blog? This makes link building an easier job for every blogger. Here are 9 pointers to help you seduce other bloggers into linking to your blog.
BUILD MORE BACKLINKS WITH PLR ARTICLES - Get more quality inbound links using Public Label Rights articles. Read the post and find out how you can use them to amass huge quality backlinks.
LARGEST LIST OF FREE DIRECTORIES - Are you wondering where I get the list of quality free directories I share on my blog? Check out the largest list of free directories and find out yourself.
EXCESSIVE LINK BUILDING IS �UNSEO� - Does more inbound links to your blog means higher Google page rank? Find out why excessive link building is not necessarily a good idea. This is most certainly going to appeal to lazy webmasters. That's all I've got on link building and search engine optimization. I hope you found the lists of dofollow and link building tips useful. As always, your suggestions and comments are most welcome.
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