
A List of “Do Follow” Social Bookmarking Sites

Social bookmarketing is a way for internet users to organize and manage bookmarks or web pages. When users add a bookmark, they can do it publicly which allows other internet users to see which bookmarks have been added. Users also have the option to make their bookmarks private so that they are shared within a certain subgroup.

When you add your website as a bookmark, it can help with your page rank as many search engines will count this as a 1 way link. Below is a lost of Social Bookmarking sites with do follow links. Do follow links mean that search engines will follow these links thus helping your page rank.

Here’s a list of 15 top Social Bookmarking sites with Do Follow Links. We have also included the page rank of each site. The higher the page rank, the better the search engines will value the link.

  • 1. backflip(PR6) 

  • 2. Bibsonomy(PR6)

  • 3. linkagogo(PR6)

  • 4. Mister-Wong(PR6) 

  • 5. Spurl(PR6)

  • 6. Buddy Marks (PR5)

  • 7. MyLinkVault (PR5)

  • 8. SpotBack (PR5)

  • 9. A1 Webmarks (PR4)

  • 10. ClipClip (PR4)

  • 11. Connectedy (PR4)

  • 12. OYAX (PR4)

  • 13. MyVmarks (PR4)

  • 14. TeDigo (PR4)

  • 15. ez4u (PR3)

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